Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that accesses the neurological component of the body through manual muscle testing to gain insight as to the cause and treatment of the problem. Since we are all individually different, we need different treatments and lifestyle recommendations. In other words, there is no one cure for each disease or imbalance. AK helps to solve this problem by using the body's neurological system as a feedback mechanism to specifically find the imbalance or imbalances and then find the specific treatment for your condition. Some of the tools that an applied kinesiologist may use include chiropractic adjustment techniques, various muscle and connective tissue procedures, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, reflex point procedures, nutritional supplementation, and dietary management. Applied Kinesiology, by itself, is not an all-inclusive system but instead enhances the standard diagnostic tools used by Dr. Groneck and other health care practitioners. Applied kinesiology techniques should correlate with other diagnostic tools to give the practitioner a better understanding of the patient's complaint and what treatment course will be most appropriate. For instance, if someone has low back pain, does the problem lie with the disc, muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, or nerves? Is there a nutritional component? There are certain nutrient deficiencies that can contribute to the weakening of ligaments and discs. Is there a positional component, such as poor posture or poor mechanics? Could the low back pain be the result of all of the above mentioned or just a few of them? There are many factors that must be addressed with each person. Knowing which tools to use at the right time can be a confusing and, often, overwhelming task for even qualified health practitioners. Using applied kinesiology as one his tools, Dr. Groneck is able to quickly determine the best course of action to solve the problem.